Sunday, November 9, 2008

Goodbye Gummies

*Stewie’s first tooth comes out*
Incisor: Aha! I am free! I hereby claim this mouth in the name of Incisor!
*Second tooth pops out*

Bicuspid: Not so fast!
Incisor: Ah Bicuspid, so we meet again!
Bicuspid: Have at you!
Incisor: En Guarde!

*both wriggle trying to move*

*they can't*

Bicuspid: Shall we bite the tongue then?
Incisor: On three... one.. two.. three!
Stewie: Ah!

For over a month now, Wendy and I have chuckled at the thought of Maya’s first tooth popping out thanks to Stewie. The scene laid out above is a classic moment in Family Guy history and now a memory for Team Dutton. The time has finally come! Maya has sprouted her first long awaited tooth. After many nights of fussing, orajel and shots of Whisky (for Wendy and I of course), Maya’s front lower tooth is starting to show. We imagine the rest are soon to follow and just like Stewie, Maya has a second tooth ready to fight! As this moment is exciting for the family, let’s have a moment of silence for the ol’ gummies. Maya displayed the gummy smile like a true champion. The masses always cracked a return smile when confronted with Maya’s gumbos. From Target to Reagan National Airport, no one could resist. Although a tragic loss, we look forward to the new and improved mouth. Look out cheerio’s…here we come!

Until the next great Dutton moment, as the great roman Hardgrave would say, NASTRAVIA!


Carole said...

How can any one baby be so beautiful!

BDUTS said...

It's a Dutton curse ;)