Monday, November 24, 2008

Day at the Park...(well 10 minutes anyways).

This weekend was a typical fall adventure with sub freezing temperatures and massive leaf clean up. Wendy and I had her sister’s kids on Saturday so we had to plan carefully. The yard needed to be cleaned up since the oak leaves have been plaguing the neighbor’s property for weeks. So, I bought a leaf blower and hit the ground running during Mayas nap. We promised the kids that we would take them to the park after lunch so I had to put the leave bags to rest until Sunday. We had hoped that the sun would come out and warm us up but that was not the case. We wrapped up the kids with some winter gear and pulled the bike out of the shed. I attached the trailer, loaded up the kids and we headed out to the park down the road. Sedona ran around and the kids played on the slide. Maya wanted to check things out so I decided to play along as well. Normally, I am the type of guy who sits on the bench and watches…yeah right. This is one of the greatest things about being a dad. I get to play all the time and I dig it. Anyways, my hands were freezing and none of us had gloves (except Maya since hers were built in) so I imagine the kids were ready to go too. We loaded up, scurried home and put in a movie while we all got cozy. The fireplace was lit, the coco was warm and the kids were happy.

1 comment:

Rod said...

Looks like you all had a good time at the p-a-r-k (dont want Sedonna to hear me say it out loud so she gets all excited). Good to see your neice and nephew again in the pix, and of course you and your family.
I am looking forward to reading your blog on Monday to see how the trip to the PNW went!
Happy Thanksgiving !!